Square Dance
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Michele Vieira has been a Round Dance Cuer since 1996 and became a Square Dance Caller in 2019. She has been an active member of TSCA since 2003. Since first joining the TSCA Board as a Trustee in 2010, Michele has been a stalwart champion of Square Dancing in the State of Texas. She has also made a prodigious impact on the Association: from her enthusiasm and organizational skills as Secretary to her administrative and managerial prowess as Vice President and further on to her steadfast leadership as President, her contributions have been immeasurable during her 12 years, and ongoing tenure, with the Board of the TSCA.
During Michele's time on the board, she has worked tirelessly in cooperation with the Texas State Federation of Square and Round Dancers (TSFSRD) to ensure that TSCA commitments were masterfully executed during Texas State Festivals. She was responsible for coordinating 4 TSCA Caller Clinics, going so far as to hire a CALLERLAB Accredited Training Coach from Europe who presented a fresh perspective of the craft to the entire TSCA Membership. She has received acclaim for articles that she wrote about the need to foster new dancers and some of the ways to do so. Her articles were published and even reprinted in regional, national, and internationally distributed periodicals.
The TSCA honored Michele for exceptional contributions to square dancing in the state of Texas on June 12, 2021